Video Playlists
Digital Choiceboard
Flip over the tiles to discover crafts, experiments and more! Choose as many as you like.
Build a Voyaging Canoe with the Polynesian Voyaging Society
Make a Pirate Spyglass
Make your own spyglass to be on the look-out for danger or new lands. You’ll reuse cardboard rolls from around the house. Pirates can be eco-friendly too!
Looking for more pirate fun? Check out the activities in this blog to host your own Pirate Week.
Create an Eco-Friendly Habits Reward Jar With Your Family
Each time you practice an eco-friendly habit from this list, write or draw it on a piece of paper. Then, put it in the jar. Can you think of more ideas? When the jar is full, plan a special plastic-free party with your family to celebrate!
Create a Boat You Can Eat
Become a Citizen Scientist
How do you care for our Island Earth? The Polynesian Voyaging Society wants to hear about how you practice Mālama Honua. Share your eco-friendly habits or a project you’re doing with a two-minute video. With parent permission, submit it to their Facebook page.
You can also download a free Mālama Honua fun sheet.
From the ocean to your backyard, help National Geographic track litter.
Get Crafty and Save the Planet With These Plastic-Free Projects
Engineer a Rubber Band Paddle Boat
Try out this Paddle Boat DIY Engineering Project that can move on its own.
Make a Colorful Mural With Recyclable Materials
Check out this school wide bottle cap mural project to see how colorful bottle tops can really make a statement. Arrange them into fun shapes like animals. You could even submit a video of your eco-friendly project to the Polynesian Voyaging Society.
Host a Family “Moana Day” to Celebrate Polynesian Culture!
Then choose your favorite Moana Activities for Kids to do at home!